Author: Sally Frank

My Love-Hate Relationship with Lunge

Jan 31, 2012 | Sally Frank
I love yoga And one of the most ubiquitous poses is lunge... more
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The Joy of Falling on your Derriere

Jan 1, 2012 | Sally Frank
In my next life, I want to come back as a weather... more
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Commentary: Immigrant Stories Cut Through Rhetoric

Dec 11, 2011 | Sally Frank
(This post is from my commentary aired by WFAE  Click... more
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Finding the Good

Oct 17, 2011 | Sally Frank
Roxie, feeling much betterIn the middle of the night last... more
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Antici . . . . pation

Oct 11, 2011 | Sally Frank

This is day 3 of the fall detox... more

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Detox Redux – Feeling the Fall

Oct 10, 2011 | Sally Frank
Yummy stir fry dinnerSo, we're off!  The fall detox... more
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Balancing Moderation

Oct 4, 2011 | Sally Frank
When the sadhaka is firmly established in continence,... more
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Too busy for “Thanks”?

Sep 14, 2011 | Sally Frank
If you are as busy as I am (or busier) you are eager to... more
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Softening Up

Sep 7, 2011 | Sally Frank
When I'm struggling with a problem or issue, my natural... more
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The Real Thing

Aug 9, 2011 | Sally Frank
As many of you know, last week we laid Dave's dad to rest ... more
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Dharma of the Heart: A Tribute

Jul 27, 2011 | Sally Frank
My father-in-law died this morning  He had been sick, so... more
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The Abundance of 3

Jun 30, 2011 | Sally Frank
I’m very grateful for the number 3  Sounds odd,... more
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